Thursday, January 28, 2010

Letters From Home

June 18, 1993

Dear Sara,

I really don't know what I was thinking when I said, I didn't want to move with you. No, I take that back, I was thinking you were moving to Newark, NJ and I didn't think anyone was worth that much. Kidding.
Anyway, what I am trying to say, is if you get based in Denver I'd like to come. Kidding. I would like to move where ever you will be.

I think I was overwhelmed with excitement for you and your new adventure that I didn't take the time to really think what that meant for me. It hit me hard this last time at the airport. Once you were on the plane and I was alone.
Please, say you want to work this out. I will do anything. I love you.


June 26, 1993

Hey Sae-Sae!

It must feel good to be a BRAIN!!!! Just like the old days when you were in grade school. You always loved school soooo much! I'm glad you like it again. My little writer up in airplanes, who'd a thunk it? Funny, you were the one that always talked about being a writer, and here's Jenbug writing stories. I know there's still a writer in there just aching to come out. I'm sure she will when the time is write!

I hope your drills go well tomorrow, as I am sure they will. I read this quote, I think it applies to you girls: "It's alright to have butterflies in your stomach. Just get them to fly in formation." Cool, huh?

Love, love, and more love,

Your Mom

*Note to younger self: Tim didn't move with you and although it took a long time you do resume your friendship and are close to this day.

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